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ボラ VOLA HF High Fluor リキッド Race Wax イエロー 250ml WAX スキー リキッド ワックス

商品名 : ボラ VOLA HF High Fluor リキッド Race Wax イエロー 250ml WAX スキー リキッド ワックス

商品コード : ref240724

メーカー希望小売価格(税抜) : 18,000

価格 : 19,800円(税抜18,000円)

数量 :

HF High Fluor リキット゛ RaceWax イエロー 250ml

AIR -2°C  > 10°C / 28°F  > 50°F

The range Race Wax is made from research and tests conducted by VOLA to get the best possible glide of your skis. These products combine resistance and durability of a base wax while having a fluorinated additive to make a sensational race wax. VOLA fluor waxes are high competition wax slightly fluorinated (LF) or highly fluorinated (HF) depending to the hygrometry. The fluor (Polytetrafluoroethylene) is an hydrophobic product which allows a fast acceleration. The fluor is a polymer which is characterized by one of the lowest coefficients of friction against any solid. This specification brings an important improvement of the quality of the glide. The range has been declined in three colors corresponding to the air temperature to offer very efficient products
